Ninja Saga Cheats - Coins hack (NEW)
Updated Tested and Woking as of 07/23/2012
- Fiddler
- Firefox
- mission2.swf - [Mediafire]
1.Open Fiddler
2.Go to Autoresponder. Check/Tick the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..' for unmatched requests".
3.Click 'Add'
4.Select the line that appears and change the 'StringToMatch' to RULE EDITOR :
5.In the textfield beside the save button, select Find a file and browser to the mission2.swf6.Clear your browser cache..
7.Go to Ninja Saga and finish the mission 'Hardworking Student'
8.You will get the A LOT of weapons to sell upon each completion.(Dont Abuse)
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